A Cup for all
I was not built to play basketball. Even though I am 6’3”, I have what some may call an adverse relationship with gravity. Gravity does not allow me to jump very high. I was built to push people, and that led to me excelling at playing on the offensive line in football. All people are not meant to be involved in all sports, but God invites all people to come into His Kingdom (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9).
God does not exclude anyone from coming to His table in the Kingdom. Take a close look at what Jesus says in Matthew 26:27 concerning the cup. “Drink of it, all of you.” Notice 2 very important observations that can be made from Jesus’ words.
The first important observation is that Jesus commanded everyone at the table to drink. Matthew is the only account that uses this command. We imply from this observation that drinking the cup is not optional. We have been commanded to drink, so we drink. I grew up in a popular denomination that partook of the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. When I observed and participated in this memorial, I noticed that some people did not partake in the fruit of the vine. I even followed some days. Why? Why would they do that? Why would I do that? Why would I not want to partake of the fruit of the vine? It represents the blood shed for me. Also, we have been commanded. Drinking the cup is not an option.
The second important observation is that Jesus said for all to drink. Once we have obeyed the Gospel, we are qualified to partake of the Lord’s Supper. No matter who we are. God is not a respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). He does not care if you are tall, big, small, rich, poor, or even gravitationally challenged. Jesus does not exclude anyone from drinking the cup. He even includes the man who will betray Him in this last supper. It is an incredible feeling to know that Jesus invites me to drink the cup.
I would like to encourage you today to be thankful that God invites all to drink of the cup.
— Matt Jones