Abide in an abode
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Abide in an abode

The word “abide” is such a fascinating word. The Apostle John seems to be particularly fond of it, too. In all of his writings, he uses this word 68 times—40 of those occurrences are found in the Gospel of John. As you can probably guess, this word is a key theme in his gospel account.

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Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ


As I sit here, everyone in Clarksville is preparing for a big winter storm. Schools are canceling, and all the kids are heading home, grinning from ear to ear, because Wednesday is going to be a Snow Day. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a Snow Day is simply a day off—a whole day when kids don’t have to go to school, parents may not have to go to work, and everyone gets a chance to relax.

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The Shield of Faith
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

The Shield of Faith

One of my favorite images floating around on social media is a powerful one—a parent standing firm, holding up a shield, while flaming arrows rain down. Behind them, their children stand safely under its protection. It’s a striking visual, but what makes it even more powerful is that it’s rooted in Scripture.

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The Word’s power
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

The Word’s power

As you read through the first five verses of the Gospel of John, you quickly realize how incredible The Word truly is. The Word was there in the beginning. He was with God. He was God. Everything was made through Him, and in Him was life and light. The darkness has never—and will never—overcome Him (John 1:1-5). That’s powerful, right?

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What are you seeking?
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

What are you seeking?

What do we tell little kids to do when they’re about to blow out the candles on their birthday cake? Close your eyes and make a wish. When I was a child, I remember people always saying, “Whenever you see the time 11:11, you should make a wish.” In those moments of wishing, what did you wish for?

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A Cup for all
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

A Cup for all

I was not built to play basketball. Even though I am 6’3”, I have what some may call an adverse relationship with gravity. Gravity does not allow me to jump very high. I was built to push people, and that led to me excelling at playing on the offensive line in football. All people are not meant to be involved in all sports, but God invites all people to come into His Kingdom (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9).

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A Cup of Redemption
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

A Cup of Redemption

It is morning time, and you are about to leave the house. What is your go-to cup to put your coffee in before you head out the door? Are there a few options for you to choose from? Or maybe the cup you use is one that your spouse wishes they could get their hands on and wash it. You have been using it over and over, and the inside is stained from the coffee. Cups are a popular commodity. There are big ones, small ones, and colorful ones. We have particular cups for particular things. During the days of Jesus, the Jews also were particular about cups. 

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A Cup of Anguish
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

A Cup of Anguish

Do you ever use the word “anguish” in your everyday conversations? It is such a powerful word. The Oxford English Dictionary defines anguish as “physical pain or suffering, especially intense bodily pain; agony, torment” or “severe mental suffering or distress; intense grief or sorrow.” Physical and mental torture is a simpler way to define this word. Luke, in his Gospel account, captures what it means to be in agony.

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An ordinary cup
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

An ordinary cup

Have you ever seen the movie Indiana Jones And The Last Crusades? Maybe you have, or maybe you haven't. The movie depicts Jones going after the "Holy Grail." This grail or cup was supposed to be the cup that Jesus used at His last supper with His disciples. Jones was trying to find it, and so were others because the cup was said to have supernatural powers and grant immortality to those who drank from it.

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Thankful 365
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Thankful 365

Why is it that the only time we talk about giving thanks is around a table loaded with food? Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to fellowship with family and fill our bellies to the point of sickness. Why should we limit our thanksgiving to just one day or a season? How great has God been to us?

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Greet One Another
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Greet One Another

Kissing has been around forever. But how did kissing come about? Texas A&M University Professor of Anthropology Vaughn Bryant said, “The most likely origin has to do with smell. Early humans may have recognized one another by smell, developing a practice known as the “sniff kiss,” seen in a number of cultures, whereby people smelled each other’s cheeks as a greeting.

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Strive Together in Prayer!
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Strive Together in Prayer!

One of my favorite games to play at summer camp was Tug of War. Being a big guy, everyone wanted me on their team. However, I soon learned that having the big guy on your team didn't guarantee a win. Most of the time, the teams that succeeded were the ones that worked together in sync.

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Thank You For Being faithful!
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Thank You For Being faithful!

Isn't it nice to hear someone say to us, "Thank you?" You are walking into a building and spend a little extra time holding the door for the family behind you. When the last one in the family passes by, probably the dad, he turns and says, "Thank you." That feels good. I enjoy hearing that.

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You Are Welcome. Am I Really?
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

You Are Welcome. Am I Really?

Have you ever been to someone's house, and when you went to the front door, they had a "welcome" mat? What did that mat say? Did the mat have an inviting phrase, or did the phrase on it make you think that you had made a wrong decision coming over there? Heather and I usually have a mat with a simple "Hello" or "Welcome." Maybe the reason is that Heather and I are simple people who like inviting others to our house.

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Speak The Truth
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Speak The Truth

Have you ever been ridiculed for presenting the truth? It's hard sometimes to try and reach out to people with the truth. Our minds continuously race with different scenarios. We may get rejected, we may lose a friend, or we may get harshly rebuked in public. We must ask ourselves, "Are all of those reactions worth standing up for the truth?" Do you think Paul thought about that question while preaching the gospel to everyone?

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Celebrate The Small Victories
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Celebrate The Small Victories

You may have seen the catchphrase, “Celebrate the Small Victories.” This phrase has been used to talk about the struggles people face in parenting, overcoming depression, and just getting through a day. A lot of us right now are in a mental and spiritual warfare.

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Smelly Sacrifice
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Smelly Sacrifice

Do you smell it? Fall is in the air. We are now in October. The temperatures are starting to cool down. The leaves are beginning to change colors. Football season is already halfway over. Hunting seasons are starting across the country...

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Smelly Christian
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

Smelly Christian

My encouragement for you is to be smelly. Diffuse the scent of Christ wherever you go. You will be an encouragement for those who are Christians. Your smell could also be a wake-up call to lost people. 

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A Pleasing Aroma (Part 2)
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

A Pleasing Aroma (Part 2)

Opportunities to serve are abundant and waiting for us. Let us find a way to serve this week, and in doing so, experience the joy and inspiration that comes from serving our Lord.

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A Pleasing Aroma (Part 1)
Hilldale church of Christ Hilldale church of Christ

A Pleasing Aroma (Part 1)

Remember, God takes great pleasure in our sweet-smelling sacrifices. He appreciates and loves us for our willingness to give and serve. Let this knowledge fill your heart with joy and gratitude. 

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