You Are Welcome. Am I Really?

Have you ever been to someone's house, and when you went to the front door, they had a "welcome" mat? What did that mat say? Did the mat have an inviting phrase, or did the phrase on it make you think that you had made a wrong decision coming over there? Heather and I usually have a mat with a simple "Hello" or "Welcome." Maybe the reason is that Heather and I are simple people who like inviting others to our house. 

Thinking about this topic made me realize we have a "welcome" mat that people see as they approach our walk with Christ. If I am being totally honest, sometimes that "welcome" mat is not so welcoming to others. Read what Paul writes in Romans 15:7

"Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." 

There are three major points we can find in this one verse. 

Point #1: We are to welcome one another. Before Paul made this statement, he let the church in Rome know they needed to be of the same mind and have one voice (15:5-6). Before that, he also encouraged these Christians to love one another (13:8). Welcoming someone in your life has everything to do with being of the same mind, having the same voice, and loving each other. The way we accomplish that is through humility. We see ourselves as less important than others in our life. Notice in the next point how Paul introduces that same mindset. 

Point #2: We are to welcome as Christ has welcomed us. Whenever I think of this point, my mind always takes me to what Paul said in Philippians 2:5-11. I won't explain it all, but ultimately, we read that Christ gave up everything for us. His love for us drove Him to die for us. Are we willing to welcome someone that much? Are we willing to see others' needs and make sacrifices to help them? In the last point, Paul will introduce a significant motivation to be welcoming. 

Point #3: All for the glory of God. We welcome each other just as Christ welcomes us so that we can bring glory to God. God is the driving force behind our Christian walk. He is the reason we have eternal life. He is the reason we have a future hope. He is the reason we are to be welcoming to one another. Don't you want to bring Him glory? Be welcoming. 

Will your walk with Christ be inviting to others? Will you be welcoming? Will you see a need in your brother or sister's life and help them? What will people read on your spiritual "welcome" mat?


Thank You For Being faithful!


Speak The Truth